Sunday, October 13, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Little Free Art Gallery in the news!

My pal Bob Boyle posted a picture of him putting a very small piece of his fantastic art in a tiny Little Free Art Gallery on someone's front lawn in the neighborhood. I was jolted into action and sparked to start my own wee gallery to inspire creativity in our neighborhood. The concept being to just view art or leave some art or take some art. But I realized it might not work so well on our front lawn where we live. Then I thought about the town center and again realized it might not roll so smoothly there either. I asked Søren Spangby, the owner of Ausfahrt Coffee Shop if he might be interested in such a venture inside his cafe. Thankfully, he was! So I set up a cabinet, painted it blue, made a sign for the top and we hung it near the front window of the cafe. We even had a Friday "opening" to celebrate its start up. I thought it might be me and some friends putting art in it once in awhile and then we'd have to beg folks to contribute. Little did I know that we'd become unpaid gallery owners and curators of local and international contributions and acquisitions! The response has been astounding with almost daily submissions in multiple mediums from near and far. Folks coming in with their art, some painting and drawing in the cafe, sculptures of ceramic and glass, the postman delivering art from abroad and connecting with Little Free Art Galleries all over the globe! The instagram @littlefreeartgallery_naestved is very active in highlighting the artists who contribute their works. Feel free to head over to keep track of what's flying in and out of the blue cabinet! The address to send art is in the profile if you ever wish to post anything. And we made it to the paper! Well, I contacted them and bugged them about it actually... I was hoping an article would inspire more folks to make art. And it has! I trust Søren is selling some coffee as well because of it! So, if you're in town, stop by and check it out. We really need folks to take the art as well to make space for so much is floating in. If you see something that plucks your strings, grab it and enjoy!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Smeary Fairy & Running Deer

Around 10 years ago, a voice told me to hang cardboard with art and the town name together.  My artist name was "Smeary Fairy."  It was a fun time hanging in different towns and mailing them all over.  I would sometimes sell them for $40 and put a stamp on the back with the address and mail them as huge postcards.  It worked!  I also mailed to a few celebrities and rock stars I admire but I don't know if they ever saw them.  Now I'm "Running Deer" (my Indian Guides name) and I'm hanging acrylic-on-wood pieces.  I just hung 10 in Hamburg. While I appreciate a lot of graffiti I pass by, I've never felt the medium to be mine.  This sort of temporary public art that folks can grab if they wish is more my thing.  The Smeary Fairy cardboard was great for india ink and brush and I feel more comfortable with just the black but these wood pieces will last through wet weather and will last longer in general.  I might return to the cardboard at some point but the wood is good for now.  And messing around with colors can't be so bad!  Enjoy if you follow the hangs!