Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Presenting the "Rocks With Glasses" Response Gallery

Presenting the "Rocks With Glasses" response gallery!  What a response!  Both from online pals and the daughter's teacher who assigned the class to make them (along with naming and writing a description about them which you can read under the photos!)

It started from a post of a drawing (below) and my own examples of real rocks with glasses and then a call to the universe to send more my way.  Enjoy! (Feel free to send me your own anytime: brad@bmossman.com !!!)

From the class project: "Angry Ms. Stenbek"

From the class project: "Cool Alex who loves cola and pizza."

From the class project: "Berta The Hippo who is 134 years old and forgets everything."

From the class project: "Fat woman who likes bingo and walks with a walker."

From the class project: "Calm and nice man who is wise and likes to dance."

From the class project: "Froggy The Frog who is all alone and loves to eat."

From the class project: "Summer, a girl from Hawaii who is 7 years old."

From the class project: The Teacher's!

From the class project: The Teacher's!

From the class project: "Ib. Berta The Hippo's husband."

From the class project: "Male rabbit with a large family who lives by the sea and loves pizza and fishing."

From the class project: "Froggy's human rival who doesn't like animals."

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